Principle for recognizing the Scriptures

Mt 22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

It appears that the Scriptures are indeed “knowable”, that is to say available, readable and understandable – one can know them, and not knowing them is an error according to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Scriptures in this context is NOT the autograph.
The Scriptures in this context is NOT the English AV.
The Scriptures in this context is NOT everything ever written.
The Scriptures in this context does NOT specify a specific edition or version.

The Scriptures must have been common knowledge otherwise he would have specified which Version or Edition – he would have had the moral duty to do so. Hence, the Scriptures are the anthology of Canonical books recognized by a consensus of Spirit filled believers in any language or generation as the very word of God in written form true in all its parts—given by inspiration of God, perfect, pure, infallible, etc. and the final authority in all matters of faith and practice.

I’m giving the reader the principles for recognizing the Scriptures throughout history and languages. These principles can be clearly demonstrated from the Scriptures.

2Tm 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

One of the traits of the Scriptures is that they can be known even by a child. That is to say that they can be apprehended clearly and with certainty, they are readily acquainted with and can be immediately distinguished one from another. They can be understood for what they are, especially intuitively.

As noted in the O.P. the Scriptures are not defined by or limited to the autographs, a specific version or even the English AV. Of course, using these clearly delineated principles that are found in the Scriptures may indeed lead the reader to the conclusion that the autographs, a specific version or the English AV are the Scriptures. Note the order.

Paul noted that young Timothy had known the Holy Scriptures from his youth. Paul was not referring to everything or just anything ever written, nor did he see a need to specify a specific version or edition of the Scriptures because the Scriptures were common knowledge to the people of God (consensus). Thus, the Scriptures are the anthology of Canonical books KNOWN by a consensus of Spirit filled believers in any language or generation as the very word of God in written form true in all its parts—given by inspiration of God, perfect, pure, infallible, etc. and the final authority in all matters of faith and practice.

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